Shipping worldwide

Returns, Exchanges and Cancellations

Returns and exchanges

I accept returns and exchanges with the following conditions:
Contact me within 48 hours of delivery and return the items within 4 days of delivery in perfect condition, just as you received them.
Only if I receive what I sent in perfect condition will I be able to return your money.

Return and exchange conditions

Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs.
If the item is not returned in its original condition, the buyer will be responsible for any loss in value and I will not provide any refund.


I do not accept cancellations for custom, printable, or already shipped orders.
I understand that before purchasing you can write to me, after your purchase I will contact you and throughout the shipping process I will also stay in touch.
It is for this reason that once my products are shipped I DO NOT accept cancellations or refund money.
I also do not accept cancellations for custom orders that are already in the creation phase.
I know you respect my time as much as I respect yours.

Returns not accepted

Due to the nature of these items I do not accept returns for:

-Custom orders.
-Digital downloads.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me